Baotou North Benz accessories injector fuel injection pressure and spray quality inspection method

The injection pressure and spray quality inspection of Baotou Benz parts of the injector, _ can be made of a T-shaped joint of three links, one joint is arranged on any fuel pump pump, a connector mounted on the new standard fuel injector, another joint installation measured injector.
The inspection method of nozzle opening pressure: Baotou Benz accessories starter with engine rotation, observe two injector fuel injection at the same time _ whether, if at the same time of fuel injection, the injection pressure is measured to meet the requirements of fuel injector. Otherwise, it should be adjusted according to the fuel injection pressure.
In the two injector at the same time, to observe the quality of spray. If the two injectors spray the same situation, indicating that the measured good. Can also rely on a piece of paper board is to shop in the nozzle is equal to the distance of two injector nozzle and plate (measured with a ruler, with positioning) starter with two rotating engine fuel injector and a jet of oil on paper, two oil spray and the uniformity of the view range is the same. If two different oil, should be measured by the spray hole inspection in a coke or if there is a foreign body, should be removed. If measured by the oil area is smaller than the standard fuel injector spray oil area, the spray cone angle is not enough, should check whether nozzle ablation, replacement of a nozzle when necessary.
If there is no three way pipe, you need to check the quality of spray, you can also remove the two fuel injectors in the north of the Baotou Benz accessories high-pressure oil pipe joints, one of the standard fuel injector, and the other is connected to the injector. And then start the engine to observe whether the two injector spray strange, if the old and new injector spray the same, indicating that the test meet the requirements, otherwise, should be repaired. This method can not be used to compare the injection pressure, only suitable for spray quality inspection.