Baotou beiben engine accessories maintenance of a coup

1, occasional maintenance
Baotou beiben engine accessories maintenance is very important, many professional repair Master said, the fault in their handling maintenance vehicles due to engine maintenance caused the total failure of 50%. Visible engine maintenance can play a crucial role in prolonging the service life of the vehicle. It is not only in the conventional maintenance period to carry out the maintenance of the engine, in driving through some particularly wet or dust especially large areas, to do some of the relevant parts of the engine to do some inspection and maintenance.
2, oil deterioration and poor oil filter
Different grades of oil used in the process of oil will change. After a certain mileage of the vehicle, the performance will deteriorate, may bring a variety of problems to the engine. Oil filter oil from the pores through when the solid particles in oil and viscous material accumulated in the filter. Such as filter plugging, oil can not be smoothly through the filter, the filter will burst or open the safety valve, the bypass valve through, still the dirt back to the lubricating parts, promote accelerated engine wear, increased pollution inside. So the regular replacement of oil filter is equally important. Do not add less oil, but do not want to add, not the more expensive the international brand of oil is better for your car’s oil is the best.
3, air filter clogging
Baotou beiben parts of engine intake system mainly consists of two parts: air filter and intake pipe. According to the different use of regular cleaning air filter, air filter in general after cleaning the 3 should be replaced by a new, cleaning cycle can be determined by the daily driving area of air quality. It is also very important to have a good quality of the factory air filter.
4, air intake pipe is dirty
If the vehicle often runs in the dust, the poor quality of the road area, we should pay attention to clean the intake duct, ensure the smooth flow of the intake. The intake pipe is very important for the normal operation of the engine, if the intake pipe is too dirty, will lead to decreased efficiency, so that the output power of the engine can not operate in the normal range, increased engine wear and aging. As far as possible to minimize the area of dust, while the air conditioning should also pay attention to the replacement of the case.
5, excessive crankcase sludge
The engine in the process of operation, the combustion chamber pressure of unburnt gas, acid, moisture, sulfur and nitrogen oxides through the gap between piston ring and cylinder wall into the crankcase, which mixed together with metal powder parts wear caused by the formation of sludge. A small amount of sludge can be suspended in oil, equivalent when precipitation from oil and oil filter, plug the hole, causing the engine lubrication difficulties, thereby increasing the engine wear. Selection of high quality fuel and synthetic diesel engine lubricating oil to reduce sludge production, is particularly important, therefore suggest you purchase for your car owners as far as possible the synthesis of diesel engine lubricating oil and fuel through formal channels. In addition, please check your car’s oil level, insufficient should be added as soon as possible.
6, fuel system maintenance is improper
Fuel system maintenance, including the replacement of the fuel filter according to maintenance requirements, remove the fuel filter in the sediment, properly maintain the fuel tank and pipeline.
7, water tank rust, scaling
To avoid the Baotou beiben engine accessories tanks rust, scaling, we should pay attention to selection of cooling liquid. Some owners do not pay attention to the use and quality of coolant, usually joined the water tank is just ordinary water. The most common cooling system is rust, scaling, corrosion and other issues. The main reason for this is that there is no good coolant. The coolant is not only good with low pour point, and other ingredients, can inhibit foam, anti rust, anti electrolysis and scale proof and so on, so the car still remind the main coolant tank to carefully select the useful.
8, cooling system is poor
The most common fault of the engine, such as piston cylinder, cylinder cavitation, rough the severe noise, acceleration power down, are due to abnormal engine operating temperature, pressure, cooling system caused by the poor condition. The bad condition of the cooling system will directly cause the engine to be unable to work under normal temperature, which will result in the serious failure phenomena. Therefore, the need for regular use of tanks powerful and efficient cleaning agent for cleaning rust and corrosion and water tank in the cooling system, adding suitable coolant. In order to ensure the normal operation of the engine, but also to extend the overall life of the tank and engine.